Latest release notes

Meta Ad Library Parser v0.1.x and useful GNU/Linux commands

1. Meta Ad Library Parser

A client-side tool to parse HTTP Archive (HAR) files from the Meta Ad Library and convert them to CSV. It is still an experimental tool.

Follow the tool's instructions on how to export the HAR file from the Ad Library page, then insert the file into the parser to download the data in comma-separated values (CSV) format.


What's Added

  • Added current datetime to file name
  • Fixed date format in the CSV
  • Added favicon
  • Added parser
  • Added HTML application
  • Added instructions on how to export the HAR file
  • Added meta tags

2. useful

Lists of useful GNU/Linux commands I use in my daily routine. The script uses less for pagination. I am not making official releases as I will update organically according to my needs.

Available lists

  • utils

  • deno

  • docker

  • git

  • poetry

  • venv


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Tags: releases · english · open source
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